Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sorry, sorry, sorry . . .

This has been the busiest two weeks I ever remember!! I got a full time job, bought a car, helped my in-laws move to Colorado, spent a weekend in Cripple Creek while Sean rode in a parade, accepted another part time job that's really cool and just generally kept doing lots of things that take lots of time. I'm so sorry I haven't updated my blog.

Thank goodness I have good friends and family and I still hear from people. I feel like I've been out of the human race for the past few weeks. And I'm tired. So right now I'm headed to bed. Yeah, it's 8:15 pm and Saturday night which makes me a total uncool weary unsocial dweeb. I'm not proud either.

I'll be in touch - maybe even tomorrow!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

George, Brad and Matt do it again!

I've never been a huge fan of Clooney, Pitt or Damon, but they did indeed pull it off once again in Ocean's 13. Once during the movie, I turned to Ron and whispered that I wish these guys with their resources were my friends. It would be great to exact revenge on a few people in such a clever and seemingly much more mature nature than I would normally display. No offense, Mom. Plate-licking is really clever, but wouldn't putting someone out of business be more effective and memorable? I'm more the "do something gross with the toothbrush" speed, but these guys make my pranks look quite shameless. There must be nothing more fulfilling than putting a Las Vegas hotel owner out of business (provided he's a really bad guy!)

Anyone reading this has nothing to fear - I would only go after evil people. Or mean people. Or people who drive way below the speed limit. Or rude sales clerks. Or weirdy's from a state that starts with "K." Or military officers who kick their families to the curb.

Yeah, I'm no dummy. I plan to stay on Danny Ocean's good side.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Sloth

It's Saturday morning and I'm tired, tired, tired. I've worked non-stop for about two weeks and even on my days off, I was really busy. I haven't had one single day to laze around in my jammies with the remote. I know: WAAAA.

Ron was on a business trip in California for the past week ( or as I like to call it, "the golf trip.") I didn't sleep well, knowing that in the event of a break-in, there would be no one to distract the perpetrator while I made my ninja-like get-away. So after sleeping all week with one eye open and one finger on the trigger of my super soaker, I'm so ready to let him have the night watch.

I need to clean house, and do a multitude of things I've put off for two weeks. The "Favor-Fairy" hasn't visited for awhile. And Ron wants to "relax" all day and see a movie. I'll try to fit that in. Right now I think I'll start with a nap. Z-z-z-z-z-z.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cuz It's Cool, That's Why!

It's SHARK WEEK on The Discovery Channel! That is exciting because:

  • I have no life
  • I have no job
  • I have no idea
But I do love shark week. It reminds me of when my BFF sneaked a television into our dormitory during our senior year in prison, I mean, high school. And we watched JAWS on Friday night (i.e. SABBATH) with blankets draped over the windows so the night watchman (Dan M.) wouldn't see the light changing in the corner room. Then we had an earthquake, but thought Jesus was coming and we would surely go to hell because we were watching a movie on a contraband television on Sabbath. Ya know, as a parent that story is not cool. My kids both think I'm incredibly weird. I have no drug or drinking stories. My idea of being WILD and CRAZY was hiding Elder "Uncle Mil" Perrin's B-I-B-L-E. Sure you could call it theft, but I prefer "displacement." And we DID return it (after a stiffly worded lecture which I barely held my laughter.)

The boys love their Auntie BFF (even though she was as "square" as me.) She could do anything and be very cool, but I'm still totally uncool. And their Auntie Zen is way cooler than me, too. Woe is me. Being uncool is so sad. Like when you're talking to your sister on the cell phone and she's at the drive-thru of Burgerville. And you're not. Some days you wish you were just laying in bed watching Shark Week on The Discovery Channel.