I recently found a great book on CD called "SIMPLE STEPS: 10 WEEKS TO GETTING CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE" by Lisa Lelas et al. I started listening to it on the way to and from work everyday. It keeps me off the constant news channels and I hope it's improving my attitude. Anyhoo, I challenge any one out there to get it (I got it at the library) and "start the program."
Every week you get assignments from 4 different catagories. For instance,
Week One: - Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
- Clean out one drawer, cupboard or closet each week
- Take a 20 minute brisk walk everyday
- Save $2 from your budget daily
I was recently at a conference for work, and they recommended "AquaMantra." It's bottled water with mantra's printed on them such as "I am loved, I am lucky, I am healthy." Nice messages but at $2/bottle, I can print my own! I put several of my own goals on a label and stuck it on my water bottle at work. Every time I take a drink, I'm reminded that "I only eat foods that are healthy" and "I drink lots of water."
I cleaned out my personal drawer at work. Now I only have all the drawers, cabinets and closets at home to clean. At one per week, I'll be caught up by 2011. Baby steps . . .
I have been taking walks around the community where I work. Instead of having the service technicians put notices out to residents, I'm walking out there and doing it myself. I'm making several people happy this way!
Save $2 per day?? Ok, I thought about going to Starbucks everyday this week but only went once.
So, I'm most excited about the "getting control" part. It's easy to feel like I have no control - everything in life is determined by something or someone else. So, instead of that defeatist attitude, I'll try their way. I would love to hear from anyone out there who wants to try this as well. I may just post the weekly assignments on my blog to save you from having to find the book.