You Just Haven't Lived 'Til Ya . . .

Several nights this week I've had to get up in the middle of the night to change all the bedding because Shelby has yakked her little tummy all over the sheets/blankets. Last night was one for the record books. She had been doing fairly well most of the day so she didn't get any medecine. Last night when I went to bed, I found out she wasn't doing very well. And she didn't do very well all over my down comforter, bedspread, sheets and a pillow. I gave her Kaopectate, cuddled and told her it was OK and then we went to bed on sleeping bags.
Sometime during the night I awoke to the sound of dry heaving under the blankets. I was so sleepy, I petted her and went back to sleep. Soon, I felt Shelby move up above me and cuddle on top of my pillow. Her tummy continued gurgling. I reached up to console her, glanced up at just the exact time she puked her little tiny guts out all over me. Yep, all over my face. I woke Ron up so he could get me something to wipe up with and because I wanted to share life's little injustice. It almost sounds funny right now but last night, I was really, really . . . uh, grossed out. I washed up, put that bedding in the pile "with the rest o' it" and tried to go back to sleep with a bath towel for a blanket. (Next stop Sean's bed.) Poor Shelby.
So today when you think, "Gosh, Macy's is out of the sandals I drove across town to buy" or "I hate it when I buy non-fat creamer on accident," just remember me. All bile covered and sleepy. Still wanted to comfort a little girl whose only crime was to be sick - in the wrong place. Yeah, I love her THAT much!