Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've got a secret.

I have a secret and it's not about who-kissed-who-down-by-the-well. It's BETTER!! It involves The Rouge show this weekend. I can't tell and I sure want to tell but I've sworn myself to secrecy. I don't want to jinx this specialness. But once the secret is out (Friday afternoon) I promise to share!!

It's not the "Don't ask; don't tell" sort of secret. I just can't tell. Almost like I wouldn't tell anyone what my Halloween costume was but then I posted a gazillion pictures of it once I dressed up. It involves hugging, kissing, drinking, taking pictures, karaoke and possibly another romp or two in the Scooby costume. It will definitely include laughing, giggling, pointing, Oh-My-Goshing, and double daring.

And when it's all over, it will most likely be all tears, pinky swears and more hugging. And there will be pictures. LOTS of pictures!! And video footage. And if I'm really lucky, there will be cops. And if I'm SUPER lucky, those cops will be strippers.

And this, folks, is a mystery for Scooby Dooooooo! ('Cept without the camouflaged video projector and Ol' Man Pritchard.)