I gotta new Atti-chatty

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I started running about a month ago. I had never run before. Not even to the bathroom. Suddenly my entire wardrobe is "wicking" and I'm tearing a pathway everywhere I go. And I have A LOT of energy!! The changes in my mental health are flooring me every single day. I feel SUPER positive and determined and motivated and ready to take on the world! The world can wait, though, cuz for now I'm going to fight cancer for my sister and my friends. Cancer is a terrible thing but it's real and it happens. I have wished SO many times that instead of Jen, Bren or Kari, that it was me with this . . . thing, cuz I feel so able to fight it. There's such a big piece of this terrible thing that is mental. And I'm MENTAL!!!! (in a good way, I hope.)
I'm not just running around like a weirdie, tho. I'm actually training for a lymphoma marathon in June. I arranged to run my race in Seattle so I can be closest to those I love and to those who need my special powers of FIGHTING THE EVIL C-WORD.
It's crazy. I guess the transformation of running and putting my head in this game is bringing on a bigger and farther reaching impact. My need to be healthy in every way is so ginormous. I want to eat better and just be positive and have healthy relationships and pursue peace and joy for myself. Because of parenting and ex-super religious martyr-dom, I've always put myself last on the list. Now, almost epiphony-like, I see that I need to be FIRST on the list so I can take care of everyone else. I definitely struggle with ever putting anything before my boys, but I think I'll be better prepared to help them through whatever I can still help them with, if I'm happy and mentally ready for whatever challenge they toss my way.
I'm sending out some really great energy and I have super high expectations for what will come back to me. I absolutely demand and believe no less than remission in three gals who deserve it. I expect myself to compete and finish this upcoming marathon in June. Then I expect to do it again for breast cancer. I expect myself to be a good enough person and challenge the universe to bring it all back my way and make my three dreams come true in Clackamas, Kirkland and Boring. Come on, Mother Earth, no dilly-dallying!!!
Please join me with your energy, wishes, prayers . . . we all have something to offer these girls fighting for their lives. If you aren't where you'd like to be now, think about what it will take. But be open. You never know what will change your life. I thought running was just what you did to escape from the po-po. Be strong!
I'm not just running around like a weirdie, tho. I'm actually training for a lymphoma marathon in June. I arranged to run my race in Seattle so I can be closest to those I love and to those who need my special powers of FIGHTING THE EVIL C-WORD.
It's crazy. I guess the transformation of running and putting my head in this game is bringing on a bigger and farther reaching impact. My need to be healthy in every way is so ginormous. I want to eat better and just be positive and have healthy relationships and pursue peace and joy for myself. Because of parenting and ex-super religious martyr-dom, I've always put myself last on the list. Now, almost epiphony-like, I see that I need to be FIRST on the list so I can take care of everyone else. I definitely struggle with ever putting anything before my boys, but I think I'll be better prepared to help them through whatever I can still help them with, if I'm happy and mentally ready for whatever challenge they toss my way.
I'm sending out some really great energy and I have super high expectations for what will come back to me. I absolutely demand and believe no less than remission in three gals who deserve it. I expect myself to compete and finish this upcoming marathon in June. Then I expect to do it again for breast cancer. I expect myself to be a good enough person and challenge the universe to bring it all back my way and make my three dreams come true in Clackamas, Kirkland and Boring. Come on, Mother Earth, no dilly-dallying!!!
Please join me with your energy, wishes, prayers . . . we all have something to offer these girls fighting for their lives. If you aren't where you'd like to be now, think about what it will take. But be open. You never know what will change your life. I thought running was just what you did to escape from the po-po. Be strong!