Does this helmet make my butt look big?

Today I embarked on a truly remarkable adventure. Ron talked me into taking a ride on the back of his motorcycle. I think we went a whole 35 miles or so. I was decked out, head to toe, in protective gear (to include 27 layers of bubble wrap.) I stopped visibly shaking after we left the highway. Yes, we were IN traffic. One car ahead. One car behind. No one tailgated and they’d have heard from me if they tried. (I can still send signals with my feet!) I closed my eyes for several seconds and realized it was much more terrifying not seeing which lane we were in. I did a little backseat driving, I will admit. I think Ron’s glad we didn’t have a head mic system. I'm just sure he sent me a subliminal message today. “I like to spend time with you more when I can’t hear your voice.”
Well, I gotta go floss. I taste something in my teeth that ISN’T lunch.
I'm tellin' Mom! You're not 'posed to ride motorcycles without asking first! You are TOTALLY getting grounded.
Oh sure, it's all about tattling (and then SOMEONE gets thrown out in the front yard nekkid!)
Yes, that's right:
Gayla said!!!
Duly noted, ya kill joys!
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