I Feel So Alone (sob!)
I'm not dead. Well, maybe I died a little inside. I left the house this morning without my lifeline, I mean, my cell phone. This never happens and I feel completely helpless. I'm working today, so I tried to notify all the vital ones who might try to call me today, but I still feel like I might miss something important.
As I was getting my coffee this morning, I saw a man wearing no shoes and a plastic bag over his shoulders, digging through trash cans. I wondered if maybe he forgot his cell phone too. OK, I'm not heartless. I felt bad for him and put into perspective my cell phone troubles. I'm thankful that I'm employed, have clothes and shoes and a car to take me from A to B and yes, I'm VERY thankful for my cell phone. My lifeline. My reason for living. My cell phone makes me a better person. Just like my sister is a better person because of TIVO.
Speaking of my utter devotion to my cell phone, yesterday I had a very real-life commercial moment occur. And not in a good way. I was talking to my mom on my cell phone about how grumpy my grandma has been for a long time now. I told her that last week when Jen and I were in Barnes & Noble, we found a book title called "Kill Grandma for Me." Jennifer said "I hope that's under the tree for me this Christmas!" My mom said nothing. I said "Mom, it was a joke. Really. Mom, we didn't mean it." Still nothing. APPARENTLY, we were cut off. And we're even with Cingular (the advertised least dropped calls network.) Whatever. Anyway, I called her back about a minute later and she laughed like there was no tomorrow. Whew! Doggone Cingular. (I still love my cell phone, though.)
Sorry, but I got cut off just after you stated "I'm not dead." I'm real glad....
Mother Mary
Kathy, you make it sound like I don't dearly love my precious grandmother!!
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