Thursday Thoughts
Hi there!
Thank goodness it's Thursday-one-day-closer-to-Friday! Really, Saturday is even better. I have a full day of work to face today - big corporate boss will be here, which means I gotta be on my toes. And all the regular blah, blah, blah stuff too! I know, I know, I have a job, which makes me luckier than about 677,000 other Americans this week.
Stephen had oral surgery on Tuesday morning, which meant he recuperated at my place for several days. Several glorious days for me and several not so great days for him. I mean, he had the pain. (Course he also had the drugs!) I just loved having my little guy around to baby awhile. Then he left last night, which crushed me but I'm trying to be positive and not let my heart disintegrate into a gazillion pieces. I just miss my boys! Sean started his new job this week and he's slowly processing in and getting a feel for it. I'm so excited for his new adventure! The Rouge's CD should be out by the end of March. Still being mixed. Can't wait!! I've heard a rough mix version of most of the songs and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! I'm giving them to everyone I love (course!) and taking them to stores to play overhead (i.e. Kirk and Hill - only the bestest women's store ever!!!!)
Well, 5 minutes til I start this show, so I better sign off for now . . . Have yourself a terrific rest of your work week!