Saturday, February 7, 2009


So I took a sabbatical.

I'm back now. When I last wrote, it was my sister's birthday in September. Then my manager left and I did both jobs for awhile. Then they hired someone else. Then I had to train that person. Then I had tough times with a lot of stuff - nothing earth-shattering. Then it was the holidays. Then I went to San Francisco with my BFF. And I had a terrific time. Then Ron and I left home. We moved into a smaller place for just us. Now I'm an empty-nester. Now I'm doing lots of other stuff. Spa days, cooking classes, craft classes, trying to exercise more, eating better, decorating the new place, reading and watching cool shows on tv. And spending lots of extra time with Shelby-Belle. And Ron works in Boulder during the week and comes home on weekends. So, Busy Chatty is my name lately. Trying to visit each of the boys as often as possible. Planning vacations. Wanting to design jewelry more but my tools are in Oregon, which I'll get in April when I visit Southern Oregon. And I've been dieting. Successfully this time. Starting ballet class so I don't trip so much.

To my friends who had their kids way after me and still have to get babysitters to do anything, believe me, your time is coming! And it's kinda nice. But kinda sad. I miss the boys terribly and wish for the days we all lived together. But no one is ruining our furniture anymore so that's kinda nice. And fewer chatty-persons to clean up after. That's kinda nice too.

So I'm back now. I plan to blog more. And my sister promises to give me blog topics.

Happy New Year!



Jen said...

Whoa. I'm still recovering from seeing this post. Hang on, let me catch my breath.

Have I got blog topics for you? YES! The answer is YES! Hooray!


Anonymous said...

And, as you can see, I do check this regularly! Yeah! Enough about you...more about me. ;)


Anonymous said...

Does "sabbatical" have anything to do with the Sabbath? Can you start/end a sabbatical on Friday night or Saturday? :)