Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Little Behind

It's been awhile, I know. Let's see . . . a bunch o' crap happened at work. I left work. Got a new job. Love it! The Chatty #1 son is doing well (altho suffering from side effects of stupid flu shot as I write) and was recently promoted in the Air Force. The Chatty #2 son is doing spectacular as well. The Rouge is getting signed soon. Offers are being offered and lots of thinking/talking/meditating. I'm as proud as any chatty-mom could be! Chatty husband is doing lots of home renovations right now. The Chatty's moved into a house in July and (TG) don't live at my old job anymore. What a nightmare that was!

My sister has shamed me into updating this blog and I really hate not keeping up. So, maybe I can be a little more update-y for the future. (Here's wishing . . .)

Oh, and today is The Chatty-friend, Elliot's birthday. Happy Birthday, birthday-guy!!


BFF said...

See, I do check it regularly! xoxo

Mom said...

I check it too!!! So glad you're back--I love you!