Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Hi there!

Thank goodness it's Thursday-one-day-closer-to-Friday! Really, Saturday is even better. I have a full day of work to face today - big corporate boss will be here, which means I gotta be on my toes. And all the regular blah, blah, blah stuff too! I know, I know, I have a job, which makes me luckier than about 677,000 other Americans this week.

Stephen had oral surgery on Tuesday morning, which meant he recuperated at my place for several days. Several glorious days for me and several not so great days for him. I mean, he had the pain. (Course he also had the drugs!) I just loved having my little guy around to baby awhile. Then he left last night, which crushed me but I'm trying to be positive and not let my heart disintegrate into a gazillion pieces. I just miss my boys! Sean started his new job this week and he's slowly processing in and getting a feel for it. I'm so excited for his new adventure! The Rouge's CD should be out by the end of March. Still being mixed. Can't wait!! I've heard a rough mix version of most of the songs and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! I'm giving them to everyone I love (course!) and taking them to stores to play overhead (i.e. Kirk and Hill - only the bestest women's store ever!!!!)

Well, 5 minutes til I start this show, so I better sign off for now . . . Have yourself a terrific rest of your work week!


Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am what I eat:

  • I am meaty
  • I am cheesy
  • I am eggy
  • I am dairy-y
  • I am smaller bits of cottage cheese, almonds, vitamins/supplements and green powder capsules
I am what do:
  • I am shoppy
  • I am read-y
  • I am write-y
  • I am card make-y
  • I am jewelry crafty
  • I am cook-y
I am what I like:
  • I am shoe-y
  • I am handbaggy
  • I am clothes-y
  • I am good book-y
I am what I watch:
  • I am Family Guy
  • I am American Dad
  • I am Lie To Me
  • I am design decor shows
  • I am true crime shows
  • I am newsy
I am who I love:
  • I am my parents
  • I am my grandparents
  • I am my sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew
  • I am my aunt, uncles and cousins
  • I am my husband
  • I am my boys
  • I am my little girl dog
  • I am my BFF, niece and nephs
  • I am my friends
I am not-too-secret:
  • I am a germaphobe
  • I am somewhat OCD
  • I am not even close to meeting my own expectations
I am what I believe:
  • I am karma
  • I am pay-it-forward
  • I am positive energy at work in the universe
I am what I wish:
  • I am an avid exerciser
  • I am a guitar player
  • I am a published novelist
  • I am a watercolor painter
  • I am a stay-at-home career person
  • I am healthy for the rest of my life
  • I am loved
  • I am able to love without regret
  • I am balanced
  • I am the mother of a successful rock star who is healthy and loved and makes intelligent decisions
  • I am the mother of a healthy, brilliant, successful network security specialist who lives his dream, is loved and knows he is loved
  • I am the wife of a healthy, loving man who gets to live what he loves
I am what I lie:
  • Let me get it, Mom. You can pay next time. Promise!
  • No offense taken.
  • Ok, Grandma. I won't get you any Christmas presents cuz you decided to boycott gift giving. Promise.
I am what I miss:
  • cake
  • donuts
  • ice cream
I am all AM-ed out! Your turn!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

10 White Trash Confessions

No one wants to admit certain things. I hate to admit the white-trashy side of myself. But it's clearly there and I don't want another week to go by without blogging so I better just start confessin'.

1. Country music. I know, I know. How completely red-necky of me. I LOVE Rascal Flatts. I dream about Gary LeVox, Jay Demarcus and Joe Don Rooney. And I never thought I'd dream about a guy named Joe Don. But from the time I saw his bare nekkid backside in the video of "Melt" I've been a BIG fan.

2. I love writing/talking white trashy with my sister. We're able to turn it on and off rather quickly and it makes our visits/conversations way more funny! Anyone listening in would be totally convinced we're completely uneducated.

3. I used to buy my dad the Jeff Foxworthy page a day calendar of "You Might Be A Redneck." Some days he was so amused by the cartoon he had to fax me a copy! I haven't bought one of those calendars since he died. I probably should cuz I always think of him when I get an emailed trash joke or cartoon. And he was the LEAST trashy person I ever knew.

4. I sometimes like to spend the whole day in bed - watching tv. How very trashy and unproductive.

5. I love nice makeup but I still love my L'Oreal mascara.

6. I drive a really nice SUV, but I ghetto it up with a Walmart bag looped around the gear selector for my trash.

7. Except for one pair of Teva's, all of my flip flops come from discount stores.

8. When Ron and I "ran away from home" in December, we moved into an apartment. Seems we're going backwards. But it's a really nice place and I'm almost exactly 49 steps from my office. (Love the commute!!) It's still an apartment, though!

9. I like fake plants better than real ones. I kill everything. I wouldn't feel this way if I could keep them alive, but what's a trashy plant killin' girl to do??

10. I HATE watching COPS but Ron likes it and sometimes when he watches it, I get that damn theme song stuck in my head and have to hum, bee-bop and sing to it for days!!!!

Let's YOU share your trashiest secret so I don't feel so alone-trashy.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


So I took a sabbatical.

I'm back now. When I last wrote, it was my sister's birthday in September. Then my manager left and I did both jobs for awhile. Then they hired someone else. Then I had to train that person. Then I had tough times with a lot of stuff - nothing earth-shattering. Then it was the holidays. Then I went to San Francisco with my BFF. And I had a terrific time. Then Ron and I left home. We moved into a smaller place for just us. Now I'm an empty-nester. Now I'm doing lots of other stuff. Spa days, cooking classes, craft classes, trying to exercise more, eating better, decorating the new place, reading and watching cool shows on tv. And spending lots of extra time with Shelby-Belle. And Ron works in Boulder during the week and comes home on weekends. So, Busy Chatty is my name lately. Trying to visit each of the boys as often as possible. Planning vacations. Wanting to design jewelry more but my tools are in Oregon, which I'll get in April when I visit Southern Oregon. And I've been dieting. Successfully this time. Starting ballet class so I don't trip so much.

To my friends who had their kids way after me and still have to get babysitters to do anything, believe me, your time is coming! And it's kinda nice. But kinda sad. I miss the boys terribly and wish for the days we all lived together. But no one is ruining our furniture anymore so that's kinda nice. And fewer chatty-persons to clean up after. That's kinda nice too.

So I'm back now. I plan to blog more. And my sister promises to give me blog topics.

Happy New Year!
