Sunday, February 17, 2008

Color Me Orange & Blue

On Friday, I attended a trade show for the apartment association. I went to a few classes and had lunch with some of my favorite co-workers. Our luncheon speaker was a man named Reggie Rivers. Apparently, he played for the Denver Broncos in the 90's and fumbled a few balls (is that a bad thing??) And because I know absolutely nothing about football (that is what the Broncos play, right??!!) I was totally not impressed by his sports stories. But I absolutely LOVED his stories about everything else. He is a most hilarious speaker! And I had to buy the new book he was hocking - "My Wife's Boyfriend and Our Feud with the Highlands Ranch Homeowners Association." I haven't read it yet, but it's signed and I connected eye to eye with this magnificent looking gorgeous hunka hunka burning love. Did I mention he's lovely to look at?? I've attached his picture to my post so you can all admire this yummy specimen.

The lesson in his talk was about how some things in life are completely out of your control. But the two things you ALWAYS have in your control are your attitude and your effort. And although I know he's right on paper, it's really really hard to control your attitude when so many people in this world are mean, stupid, moronic and thoughtless. Maybe if he would work one on one with me, I would get better at this. :-)

Mentally, I made a list of everything I loved about this man. I've included that list because I'm thoughtful that way.

  • Yummy to look at
  • Very intelligent
  • Strong and muscl-y
  • Nice voice
  • three words: BUNS OF STEEL
Instead, I have 4 out of 5 of those qualities at home and right now he's cleaning my house. Ahhhh. I'm really in love.


Jen said...

Boys that color are dreamy.

Anonymous said...

Blue? Is he a Smurf? ;) And who's cleaning your house? Blair Underwood?


Anonymous said...

Which four out of five do you have at home??

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly, Joy!!!

Kath, you left me on the edge of my seat over this one! Inquiring minds HAVE to KNOW!!!

gayla dee

P.S. I know, I know. Like it's not really obvious!!