Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sorry, sorry, sorry . . .

This has been the busiest two weeks I ever remember!! I got a full time job, bought a car, helped my in-laws move to Colorado, spent a weekend in Cripple Creek while Sean rode in a parade, accepted another part time job that's really cool and just generally kept doing lots of things that take lots of time. I'm so sorry I haven't updated my blog.

Thank goodness I have good friends and family and I still hear from people. I feel like I've been out of the human race for the past few weeks. And I'm tired. So right now I'm headed to bed. Yeah, it's 8:15 pm and Saturday night which makes me a total uncool weary unsocial dweeb. I'm not proud either.

I'll be in touch - maybe even tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I only check it approx. 10 times a day - so I barely noticed. ;)


Anonymous said...

By the way...100 days and counting!