Monday, July 23, 2007

I Think, Therefore I Stink

Have you ever thought so hard that you started to sweat?? Me neither. But if I DID, I don't think it would be pretty. Which brings me to my REAL point - my favorite ever perfume, "Falling In Love" by Philosophy. It's truly the nicest smell on the planet. It's vanilla and other things that smell good and disguise if I'm having one of those days wherefore I might think too hard. My BFF wears it and she smells good, so I hope I smell half that nice. And the scent reminds me of the sweetness of being in San Francisco every first weekend of December.

UPDATE: Item can be purchased in most major cities with Philosophy counters in their "parfum" departments.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh. You're so sweet you don't even need our perfume! xoxo

Jen said...

Doesn't seem very generous to mention something so fabulous without telling us wherefore we can buy it...

I'm just sayin', is all...